SAKG Overview - Term 2, 2021
At Sunbury Primary School we are very excited to be running the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKG). We are so pleased that each student, from prep to year 6, will have the opportunity to experience this program. SAKG is about creating positive, pleasurable food education and fostering positive food habits for life. Students participate in all parts of the food journey from growing, harvesting, preparation and of course, eating! We are so lucky to have an established vegetable garden, The Patch, with opportunities for students to learn about composting, worm farms, caring for our chooks and as mentioned before, growing and harvesting their own food.
The SAKG program is rich and rewarding for all involved, the excitement in the students as they transform their perception of previously avoided food is incredible. Students often enter the program hesitant about different ingredients and reluctant to “give things a go” and leave with a more adventurous and eager outlook toward food. This year our students will spend one term in The Patch and another in the kitchen, giving them ample opportunity to become familiar with the routines, roles and responsibilities that come with both spaces.
Our Foundation to year 2 students will learn basic equipment safety, to follow recipes and work towards independence in the kitchen. They will be exposed to an array of fresh produce and encouraged to try their creations (an easy feat when they hear how much their peers are enjoying the dishes). Students also clean the space and dishes as part of their roles and responsibilities (talk about a lifelong skill). In the garden, they will become familiar with various tools and be given age appropriate responsibilities to gain independence and confidence.
Our year 3- 6 students will be fully immersed in all aspects of the kitchen and garden. When in the kitchen students will learn knife skills, follow recipes independently and clean up too! With little encouragement necessary students eagerly enjoy their creations. In the garden, students will work towards their ‘tool licence’, demonstrating they are capable of using a variety of tools. They very quickly become independent at the various roles and responsibilities and are able to confidently navigate The Patch in no time.